I honestly woke up this morning thinking "I can't wait till the day is over!" For no other reason then it is Sunday and you had to work again. I usually love Sundays because we get to relax, go to church, and spend time together but since you started your new job I no longer enjoy Sundays like I use to.
Awful, I know.
But today was nice!
After a 6 am feeding baby-cakes slept till 9.
Baby-cakes also took a solid two hour nap before church.
You welcomed me at the door when I got home from church (I didn't expect to see you for at least another hour or two).
We spent all evening at Grandpa Larson's birthday bash.
I got to watch you and baby-cakes giggling to each other in the corner for a long while.
And now we will put baby-cakes to bed and cuddle up in our own.
I am officially back on good terms with Sundays.

Sincerely, Lori