April 14, 2013


Dear Kurt,

We are lucky.

Lucky to have two little girls to call our own.

Two little girls that are sweet, beautiful, and loving.

Two little girls that Heavenly Father entrusted to us to care for, love and teach.

It is a daunting, and sometimes exhausting, task but they are worth it.

Sometimes I look at them and wonder if we are doing it right. If we are raising them how Heavenly Father would want us to. If He hears my prayers for them even when I don't find the time to kneel and speak them out loud. 

I pray that they will be happy and healthy. That they will know that I love them more than anything and that they will learn to love and serve unconditionally. That they grow close to their Father in Heaven and turn to him in time of need and in time of abundance. That they will make goals and strive to achieve them. That they will make good friends that will lift them up and care for them. That they will be the little girls, the young women, and the adults that Heavenly Father would have them be.

I also pray that Heavenly Father will give me patience when I am frustrated. That He will help me know what to say when it matters most. That He will help me to understand how I can best communicate with these tiny human beings. That He will help me cherish every moment, no matter how small. That He will help me to be the best person I can be and to remember I always have little eyes watching and learning. That He will help me, and you, to raise these precious little girls that he sent to us.

It really is the greatest, and scariest, job in the world. 

I love you, Kurt. I love you for being my amazing husband and for being the father of our children.

I am lucky.

Sincerely, Lori