Dear Christina,
We spent two days camping in Yellowstone and Geocaching.
We went even though everyone was convinced we were crazy to go camping in Yellowstone in a tent. Kurt's grandma even bought us bear spray to take with us. Such worry warts.
On our way there we past a sign that read "rodeo tonight" so we flipped a u-turn and spent the next couple hours battling the rain and wind and watching cowboys getting throw around.
You even participated in a little dance-off. Which you should have won and would have if half the audience wasn't related to that little boy.
The next day we geocached our butts off, seeing a ton of the park while we were at it.
We stopped for lunch at a amazing spot in the river that was down stream from where a hot spring flowed into it.
Later that night we went to our campgrounds campfire where we learned about the history of fire in the park. It was super interesting.
Then fajitas, smores, and singing happy birthday into the night.
The next day we woke up, ate breakfast burritos and we were off for more geocaching.
On the way to Old Faithful, we saw a crowd on the side of the road and we knew what that meant: more wildlife. It was a grizzly bear and we were hooked. I don't know what it is about wildlife in Yellowstone but I can't get enough of it. We saw two bears, four coyotes, and a bunch of buffalo and elk.
The trip was amazing.
Happy birthday!!!
I love you.
Sincerely, Lori