April 29, 2010
April 28, 2010
I am nervous about going to the dentist today.
Maybe even a little scared.
Going to the dentist is one of my least favorite things to do in the whole world.
It probably has a lot to do with the fact that I have sensitive teeth and a bajillion fillings and a missing tooth and hurting wisdom teeth and..... well you name it.
Why am I afraid to get my wisdom teeth out?
Here is the list:
• I always said I would be "put under" when I get my wisdom teeth out which is not going to happen now that we have to pay for the whole shabang.
• I have heard a lot of horror stories. And I mean a lot of them.
• I fear pain. I always think something is going to hurt worse then it does. Except contractions. Those hurt worse then I thought.
• How am I going to take care of Brooklyn when I am all drugged up and in pain. (I will be drugged up, right?)
Anyways... there it is. I am a definite wimp when it comes to the dentist.
Maybe I can convince my mom to come and take care of Brooklyn (and me) for a week since she loves to travel around the country during the summers anyways...
Oh, and I heard once that dentists (out of all careers) have the highest suicide rate because people hate going to them, so whenever I go to the dentist I try and act extra happy because I don't want my dentist to commit suicide.... I know I am crazy.
Hopefully I can get this thing over with quick so I can think about something else.
Sincerely, Lori
April 26, 2010

Dear Kurt,
I seriously need my wisdom teeth out.
They have been giving me some awful headaches that put me on the couch for an hour waiting for pain killers to kick in.
I have a dentist appointment this week. Hopefully the news will be that they can take my teeth out soon and for cheap.
This is the first step toward my lifelong goal of getting my teeth fixed.
Hopefully the next step could be covered by dental insurance, huh?
Sincerely, Lori
April 23, 2010
April 21, 2010
April 18, 2010

Dear Kurt,
Our new favorite thing to do: Frisbee golf.
I love it. And I for the first three "holes" I thought I was pretty good.

Then there was the hole where I hit the tree that was five feet to my left when I was aiming to my right and the frisbee ended up ten feet behind where I started....
I think we need to practice.
My goal for the summer: beat you a frisbee golf? Very ambitious since you slaughtered me.

Brooklyn even enjoyed the walk around the park.
How about frisbee golf and a picnic next weekend?
Sincerely, Lori

April 16, 2010
I'm putting Brooklyn down for a nap and I am taking some "me" time.
I'm not quite sure what I will be doing exactly but I will tell you what I am not going to do: I'm not going to clean, cook, do laundry, or anything of the sort.
I might paint my toenails....
Anyways, I wish you were here so I could turn my "me" time into some "us" time.
Love you.
Sincerely, Lori

April 14, 2010
April 12, 2010
Your first Easter was great.

We spent it with some awesome family and friends.
April 5, 2010
Last night after feeding Brooklyn at 2 am I got back into bed and closed my eyes.
Then my eyes popped wide open.
The big garage door was opening and a second later I heard it closing again.
Then the door from the garage to the house opened...
I grabbed your shirt and said "Kurt, someone just came in the house!"
I could see the panic in your eyes as you asked "how do you know?"
I told you I heard them and you ran to the door and flipped the hall light on and grabbed the nearest weapon: a curtain rod.
After a minute of neither hearing or seeing our predator you made your way down the hall, only to find nothing.
Turns out my mind was playing a few tricks on me. The sound that I was certain was the garage door opening and closing must have been the heater or something because we ended up listening to it all night long - since we barely slept after that.
I nearly scared the crap out of us for nothing.
Sincerely, Lori
April 1, 2010
You are growing so fast.
I was looking at pictures of you when you were tiny.
I wish I could go back and really soak those days in.
I keep telling myself that you aren't that much bigger.
But then I am reminded by pictures like these:
I love the stage you are in right now but I also miss your tiny little self too.
Sincerely, Lori
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