Dear Kurt,
Tonight you taught me how to snowboard.
You convinced me to skip the bunny hill and go straight for the mountain.
Okay, mountain might be a slight exaggeration but when you have to pass the bunny hill, which is on about a 5 degree angle, to get to where we were snowboarding, I think mountain is as good of a description as any.
The first time on the ski lift was a little terrifying. There was nothing holding us in! And it was pretty high up and windy! Needless to say, I held on for dear life the whole way up.
After we got me strapped to my board we attempted to make our way down the mountain. I'm pretty sure I fell at least 20 times just in the first 20 yards or so.
The next 20 yards weren't so bad. I think I only fell about 10 times. I was quite proud of myself until I asked you if I was doing pretty good... You responded "No. You are horrible. I've never seen somebody so bad!"
Well, turns out that was your bad.
You told me yesterday when I was asking how to snowboard that I shouldn't lean back on my heels. Well..... turns out that was dead wrong. When learning you should almost always be on your heels!
Once I got that figured out I was amazing, right!?! (Don't answer that.)
The second time down I didn't fall even once!!! Woo hoo! I'm going pro now!
The third time down I fell a lot... on purpose. No really. I had to stop a lot because my legs were burning! Holly cow, I think I should take up P90X or something before we go again because my weak little legs were dying!
After that I forced myself the learn the zig-zag thing. What was the called again? because then I wasn't using my leg muscles as much.
But I was using my tail bone and face a little more. The zig-zag thing makes you go fast and that resulted in a little more falling than not.
By the end of the night, I was beat. And so were you after you left me for a while to take on the actual mountain with your Uncle Jeff.
It was super fun. I would like to go again soon. After the whole P90x thing, of course.
Thanks so much for teaching me. And like I said when we finally made it down the mountain the first time "sorry I was wanted to kill you up there."
I love you so much.
Sincerely, Lori