February 16, 2015


Dear Kurt,

Besides the Fourth of July fireworks or eating a hotdog at a baseball game, nothing makes me feel more American than a carnival. Are carnivals even an American thing? I'm not sure. But there is something about spending a small fortune on deep fried, heart stopping, delicious food and then riding around in circles until the sun is long gone and you are sick that feels American to me.

Thursday afternoon we packed up the girls and the car and headed up to Wickenburg for their annual Gold Rush Days. 

Friday morning we headed out with your aunt and cousins to check out some old cars and see the gunslinger show.

It was already piping hot so we found some shade and watched as tow guys showed off their gun spinning and roping skills. I was impressed. Plus, it was kinda cool that they were on Americas Got Talent.
After that we bought ride wristbands for the girls and watched them go round and around all morning long. We stopped for some burgers and fry bread and then they were off again. 

The girls found a couple fun houses and we watched in hysterics as they tried to avoid obstacles. They weren't slowing down until miss Molly decided to pee all over herself so we packed up and headed back to Annette's to clean up and take naps. 

After naps it was all rides and carnival games and funnel cakes. Then we met your cousin, Mckinzie for dinner and then it was back to the carnival. 
When the sun set and the carnival was showing us in flickering lights of every color, we decided to take the girls on the Ferris wheel. It's what I have been waiting for all day. I was sure Brooklyn would be in heaven. Turns out, Ferris wheels might be scary. Brooklyn held on for her life and screamed things like "Why isn't there a seatbelt?! I don't like that's there isn't a seatbelt!!"
After that we headed back as our friends Kinzie and Clair were pulling up, ready to join us for the weekend. 
Saturday morning we all set out for the Gold Days Parade. Our girls sat on the curb and you, the Hawkins, and I camped out on the bed of Doug's truck. We all ate doughnuts and messed around till the parade began where we saw our fair share of horses and supported the local high schools bbq fundraiser. 

That afternoon, after the valentines lady doorbell ditched us enough candy and goodies to spoil us rotten, we followed Doug and Annette over to see several model homes in a new development. The homes where amazing, upgraded with every hoo hah and doo dad you could imagine and decorated to the nines. We were all very envious and I was already planning all the things I would do when we bought another house.

After that we left the girls at home with Annette and took Kinzie and Clair over to the carnival. We walked around and I ate deep fried Oreos and Kinzie snacked on chocolate covered strawberries. You and Clair tested your strength at the High Striker where you hit the bell twice and won us both crowns. 
That night we put the kids to bed down in the shop and when the rest of us made our way to bed we ended up sitting in the dark, whispering like school kids and playing jokes on each other. 

Sunday morning we went to sacrament meeting and then hung out. Annette made her famous homemade pizza and we all ate till we were too stuffed to move. After that we cleaned up, packed up, and said out sad goodbyes and till-next-times and we hit the road. Back to normal life. 

This weekend was one of those that makes you feel invincible. Like you can stop time and live in a state of bliss forever. It was sad to see it end but it was one for the books. One we will look back on from time to time and long for. 

I love you, Kurt. So much. 

Sincerely, Lori

February 9, 2015


Dear Brooklyn,

Monday mornings are kind of special for us. I get to come to your school and help out in your classroom. I always knock on your classroom door and you come running to let me in and give me a huge hug.

As I help out around the classroom or in the aids room you come up every now and then and give me more hugs. I love seeing you in your classroom. Learning and growing and interacting. I always feel proud that you are mine. 

Every once in a while I stay for lunch. I sit with you and all the other kindergarteners. I help open snack packs and lids and juices. I talk with your friends and everyone wants to sit by us. We are the cool kids. 

When I leave to go home you always ask me to stay and sometimes you hug me and cry. It makes me sad that I have to leave you when you are sad but I am happy that you love me enough that you want to be with me. 

When I leave I always wait around a corner or by the outside fence to make sure your are happily playing again. 

I love our Monday mornings. No matter how short or unimportant they may seem. They are ours.

I love you Brooklyn. 

Sincerely, mom

February 3, 2015


Dear Kurt,

Food truck Tuesday: where a bunch of local food trucks come to the clubhouse the first Tuesday of every month. It's amazing and we like to go and partake of the goodness. 

Tonight we took the girls and headed over to figure out what type of food was going to satisfy our hunger.
We walked around, checking out the food trucks, mouths salivating. We were hungry. Really hungry.
Gourmet Grilled Panini's won us over pretty quickly. The short lines were a major plus. The girls tried real hard to convince us that it was cool to order ice cream and smoothies for dinner.

All the tables set up were packed so we took our dinner to the back of the car. There we sat with our grilled cheese on a warm winter night. It was kind of awesome. Not even Molly refusing to eat and throwing a fit when we told her she couldn't have ice cream could ruin the evening.

It's kind of too bad that Food Truck Tuesday is only a once a month thing. 

What is it about food truck food?

Well, I love you. More than I love food truck food. And that's saying something.

Sincerely, Lori