April 28, 2011


Dear Brooklyn,

We are temporarily housing (or should I say garaging) Aunt Mia and Shania's pregnant cat, Fluffy, until she has her kittens.

She has only been with us for a couple days and we are afraid she would run away if we opened the garage door, so when your dad needed to move the trash can, he put Fluffy inside for a while.

You immediately pounced.

You followed her around the kitchen saying "kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty..."

Finally, Fluffy laid down in the living room and you sat down right next to her.

Soon you were trying to share your Cheerios and Gold Fish with her.

When that didn't work you brought her some of your favorite toys.

Soon you gave up and just stared at her.

It was so adorable.

Then I kicked her out of the house.

It'll be nice when it is warmer and you can go outside to play with her because I am obviously turning into my dad and hate having pets inside.

Until then I'm sure your dad will sneak her back inside for you when I'm not looking.

Sincerely, Lori